St. Teresa of the Andes OCDS Community, Peabody, MA
St. Teresa of Avila appreciates the assistance of another in the spiritual life: love grows where there is respectful dialogue, the purpose of which is to know oneself better so as to be pleasing to God. Community meetings take place in a congenial atmosphere of dialogue and sharing. Prayer, formation and a joyful atmosphere are essential for deepening friendly relationships and ensuring for everyone mutual support in the daily living out of the Teresian Carmelite secular vocation in the family, at work and in other social situations. (Constitutions)
2024 Advent Luncheon at Sylvan Street Grill
Feast of St. John of the Cross
December 14, 2024
2023 Advent Luncheon at Sylvan Street Grill
Feast of St. Juan Diego
December 9, 2023

Juan Diego Artwork by Fr. Emanuel “Manu” Franco-Gómez, O.Carm. Licensed with permission by Mary K. Stewart, OCDS (September 2023) for use at Advent Luncheon. Graphic Design (Prayer Card) by Mary K. Stewart, OCDS
2022 Advent Luncheon at Sylvan Street Grill
Feast of Our Lady of Loreto
December 10, 2022

2021 Advent Luncheon at Toscana’s
Feast of St. Maria Maravillas of Jesus
December 11, 2021

Welcome Baby Mary Anne!
Mary Anne was born a few weeks early on Sunday, January 23, 2022, at 6:28 PM. A healthy 7 lbs, 3 oz, and 21 inches. All are doing well!
January 23, 2022

Carmelite Surprise Baby Shower
Surprise shower for a Member of our community. Joseph & his wife Ashley are expecting their first child in early February.
December 11, 2021

Ashley Opens the Shower Gifts
Thank Heaven for Little Girls!
December 17, 2021

Happy Birthday Fr. Len!
All Carmelite Saints Day
November 14, 2021

St. Joseph is the Patron & Protector of Carmel. In the Catholic Church, the month of March is dedicated to St. Joseph. In honor of our Spiritual Father, our Carmelite community held a drawing of 7 unique pieces of artwork depicting St. Joseph. Congratulation to the winners!
Each community member was gifted with a beautiful, custom, limited-edition holy card containing the Litany of St. Joseph.
— St. Teresa of the Andes OCDS Community — March 14, 2020 — Danvers, MA Carmelite Monastery

St. Joseph, Protector of Carmel,Pray for us!
Feast Day of St. Teresa of the Andes
The President shared her Our Lady of Mount Carmel statue and gifted the community with a blessed, framed print of St. Teresa of the Andes, Patroness of our Community. Each member received a holy card and bookmark with the beautiful image of the saint painted by the talented Secular Carmelite, Teresa Satola. The Council, Treasurer and Secretary each received a small framed print in thanksgiving for their selfless service to the community.
St. Teresa of the Andes, Pray for us!
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Pray for us!
July 13, 2019

Solemnity of St. John of the Cross
Our annual Advent Luncheon theme was “The Living Flame of Love” in honor of the Solemnity of our Holy Father, St. John of the Cross. All members of the community received special party favors that included custom designed holy cards, stickers and a Holy Family medal. We played Carmelite Bingo and had drawings for Carmelite themed books, prints and spiritual items.
December 14, 2019

Celebrating the Nativity of Mary
Our community celebrated the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary with songs and a special cake for our community and one for the Discalced Carmelite Nuns of Danvers.
September 8, 2018

Golden Jubilee of Mother Michael
We celebrated the Golden Jubilee of the Profession of Mother Michael of Christ the King, O.C.D., Mother Superior of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns of the Monastery of St. Therese in Danvers, MA. We surprised Mother Michael with a framed Apostolic Blessing from Pope Francis, yellow roses, gold and white balloons, a monetary donation, and her favorite dessert, an ice cream cake to share with the nuns.
April 14, 2018
Golden Jubilee of Fr. Len
We celebrated the Golden Jubilee of our beloved Spiritual Assistant, Fr. Leonard Copeland, O.C.D. We surprised Fr. Len of the Sorrowful Mother with a framed Apostolic Blessing from Pope Francis, a Spiritual Bouquet from the Danvers Nuns, a greeting card, monetary donation for the Friars, and a cake to share with the Danvers Secular Carmelite communities. Fr. Len was ordained as a priest on June 3, 1967.
June 10, 2017